Historic Royal Palaces

  • We provide strategic advice on planning issues in the vicinity of the palaces, particularly Hampton Court Palace, the Tower of London and Kew Palace and development affecting the setting of the Tower of London and Kew World Heritage Sites.
  • We acted as expert witness for Historic Royal Palaces at the public inquiries concerning the London Bridge Tower (the ‘Shard of Glass’) and development at Potter’s Fields.
  • We provided the planning input to and are currently revising the Tower of London World Heritage Site Management Plan, which provides detailed guidance for the management of the site and development affecting it.

Heritage Lottery Fund

  • We devised and set up the UK-wide Townscape Heritage Initiative (TH) and managed the first (1998) bidding round.
  • We continue to act as mentors and associate monitors and advise on specific TH schemes, including Liverpool World Heritage Site, schemes in Wales, and the East and South East of England.
  • We provide expert advice on HLF Heritage Grant applications, and act as mentors/monitors.

States of Guernsey

  • We advised on specifying and procuring conservation expertise for the States of Guernsey portfolio of historic sites (properties in care).
  • We drafted a strategy for the future management of the historic sites, now implemented, and advised on sites facing change.
  • We undertook a peer review of the States’ Principles for sustaining the historic environment